Hewitt: Jagged Edge Series #1 Page 3
I wasn't sure how long Dylan and I talked, but it felt good to talk to her. Even though we kept in touch while I was in Paris, it was never the same as being right here with her. She was my best friend, and I loved her like a sister.
I thought my own bed was the most comfortable bed on earth, I was wrong. The bed I was currently lying in made me never want to get up. I had to let Dylan know that unless she wanted me to move in with her, she better get rid of that bed.
Regretting the fact that I needed to get up, I slowly climbed out of heaven and padded to the bathroom. After doing what I needed to do, I headed down the staircase in need of some caffeine. About half way down the stairs, the aroma of Columbian coffee filled my nose. As I reached the bottom, I heard voices coming from the kitchen. One voice I recognized as Dylan's, but the other was male, and I knew it wasn’t Rade, since he was still gone. It wasn't Richard, either. The voice I was hearing was much younger. As I got closer to the kitchen, I saw it was a young man Dylan was talking to. I only saw his back, but from what I saw, he was in very good shape. He was also quite tall. If I had to guess, I would say around six feet. He had thick blonde hair and a very well built body. Just as I was about to say something, he turned my way.
"Lilly, you’re awake. How about some coffee?" Dylan asked as she began pouring coffee in a mug.
"You read my mind." Even though I needed my morning coffee fix, I needed to know who this cute guy sharing a cup of coffee with me was. At least he was in my eye. "And who might you be?"
"I'm sorry, Lilly. I forgot, you haven't met Rade's brother," Dylan said. "Evan Taylor, meet Lilly Davis."
His eyes were focused on me. I could see the resemblance, especially in the eyes. It wasn't until I looked away from him that I realized the reason for his interest in me. I wasn't exactly wearing the right clothing for an introduction. "If you’ll excuse me, I need to shower." As quickly as I came, I went. This was not one of my greatest moments, more like embarrassing, to say the least. Backing away until I was out of view, I ran up the stairs.
By the time I finished showering, Evan was already gone. I would have loved to visit with him more, but it was probably better that he left. I didn't know if I could face him knowing what impression I made on him being half naked. Dylan was no longer in the kitchen either. I stepped out onto the patio to find that she and Isaac were outside. I watched them play ball for a few minutes before I went down the few steps from the patio to the plush green lawn they were playing on.
"Hey, you two! You look like you’re having fun," I said.
"I was just about to check on you," Dylan said as she threw the large ball to Isaac. "I thought we would go shopping for the grand opening of Tetralogy. I can't exactly fit into anything I have."
Even though Dylan was only a couple of months pregnant, I could tell that she had gained a few pounds. I also noticed that she was eating a lot more than she normally did. I guess that's what happens when you are going to have twins. "I would love to go shopping with you. You know me."
"Yeah, how could I forget the last time we went on a shopping spree? My feet were sore for a week."
"It wasn't that bad, Dylan. Besides, I remember that knock-out dress you bought. If I remember correctly, it was the night you and Rade got back together."
We must have shopped at twenty different stores before Dylan finally found the perfect dress. Being pregnant and married, she went for a more conservative look. The dress she chose was still very elegant and it fit her perfectly. I, on the other hand, chose something a little less conservative, but still tasteful. After shopping all morning, we decided to have lunch at a small café up the street from where Dylan had found her perfect dress.
After a perfect lunch, Dylan dropped me off at my place. I hadn't been to the gym in a couple of days and I was in need of working off the lunch I had just consumed. As I was changing into my workout clothes, my cell began to ring. Taking it from my purse, it was an unknown number. It was very strange that I was getting these calls from unknown numbers. Answering the call, just like before, I was greeted with silence. And just like before, I hung up. I swore that if I received another call from an unknown number with no response, I was going to use every word in the profanity dictionary.
Entering the gym, it was once again hopping. I did my usual two-mile run on the treadmill before I headed to the weight room. Entering the room, which seemed like only men used, I wasn’t prepared for who greeted me as I entered.
"Funny seeing you here. How have you been, Lilly?" Peter looked good. Matter of fact, he looked really good.
"Um... Hi..," I stuttered, trying to compose my reaction to his hard body. I wasn't sure if it was the two years that had passed since I saw him, or the fact that he was bigger than I remembered.
"So, I guess you belong to Maximum Capacity as well?" Peter asked.
"Um… yeah." I was having a hard time focusing on what he was saying. All I saw was his bare chest rippling with muscles. "Wait, what did you say?" I needed to get it together and act like an adult instead of an awestruck teenager.
"The gym, you must be a member too," Peter repeated himself, knowing perfectly well the effect he was having on me.
"Yeah, I just joined," I said, moving to the side so other members could pass.
Peter must have also sensed our conversation being interrupted by our choice of area. He gently grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hall near the men's locker room. "I think we’re in the way."
Once we were out of the way, we continued our conversation. "You look good," Peter confessed, moving his hand from my arm and taking hold of my hand.
There was something different about him. It was almost as if he had regret in his eyes. When we parted ways, it wasn't the best break-up. We both said some things that shouldn't have been said. "You look good too."
I'm not sure what happened, whether it was the silence between us or the way we were looking at each other, but nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. Before I knew it, Peter lowered his lips to mine and kissed me. It wasn't your everyday, glad-to-see-you kind of kiss. This kiss held so much more. When his tongue parted my lips, I knew I was in trouble. There was something igniting inside me that I couldn’t control even if I tried. It was something that only Peter could make me feel.
We stared at each other for a moment, wondering what just happened. Whatever it was ignited something between us, because before I could protest, Peter led me inside the men's locker room. Still holding tightly to my hand, he took me to one of the private bathrooms. I was pleasantly surprised when the scent of musk and spice mixed with sweat hit me, causing an electric bolt to surge through my body. Once we were inside the small room, Peter turned the lock on the door to make sure we weren't caught.
Lifting my body and holding it against the door, he whispered as he gently kissed down my neck, "God, I missed you."
I wasn't sure how I felt at that moment. All I knew was I needed him. Being abstinent for two years wasn't something I had planned. I just never found anyone I was attracted to the way I was to Peter. With one hand clutching my ass, Peter slowly moved his other hand up my bare stomach and underneath my sports bra. Gliding his hand around to the back, in one swift movement, he was able to unclasp the hook. Removing my arms from around his shoulders, I removed my bra and dropped it to the floor. His hands were like magic on my body. I wasn't sure what it was about his touch that triggered something inside me.
Still holding me to the wall, Peter dipped his head and gently placed his mouth over my hard nipple. I could feel the wetness between my legs pool inside my thong panties. Peter set me down and carefully removed my yoga pants and panties, pushing them down my trembling legs. It had been too long. He hadn't even entered me and I was shaking at the knees. While he was struggling to remove my bottoms, I was working to remove his shorts. Once we were both completely naked, he went to his knees and placed his mouth over my mou
nd. A soft whimper escaped my mouth when his tongue swirled around my clit. "God, you're beautiful," he said, holding me at my waist as he continued to feast. Before I knew what happened, my body exploded with pleasure.
"I want to take you so badly, but I don't have a condom," he said regretfully.
Before I could let him know I was on the pill, there was a knock on the door. "Hey, are you okay in there?" A male voice sounded on the other side of the door.
As we looked at each other trying not to laugh, Peter said, "I'm fine. Thanks for checking."
Peter and I managed to escape the confines of the small bathroom unnoticed. I wasn't sure what the gym's policy was on women entering the men's locker room, but neither of us was willing to find out. Why was there always that small moment after a sexual encounter that seemed to be so awkward? I didn't know what to say to Peter, even though there were so many things running through my head. Instead of taking a chance and saying something stupid, I headed to the women's locker room while Peter walked in the other direction. As if this moment couldn't get any more awkward, I was met again with a hard body. I needed to start watching where I was going.
"So, we meet again," the tall, handsome stranger announced as he took hold of my arms.
"Oh God, I'm so sorry," I replied, trying not to stare at his muscular chest. What is it about these men that made them unwilling to put a shirt on?
“You know, if we keep meeting like this, you’re going to have to tell me your name," he said with a smile.
"Lilly, and you are?" I asked, feeling the heat radiating through my body.
"Well, it's nice to meet you," I said, holding out my hand so that we could make the introduction official.
“As much as I’d rather chat more, I need to get to my handball match.” He smiled. “It was nice meeting you, Lilly. Hopefully we’ll run into each other again.”
"Good luck... with your match." I couldn't help but turn as he walked past me. I needed to make sure never to go two years without sex again. My libido was beginning to protest.
Instead of taking my normal hot shower, I opted for a cold one. My body was overheating from the amount of male testosterone I came in contact with in a short period of time. After taking a long shower, my body felt back to normal. I quickly slipped into the change of clothing I brought and headed out. Just as I was leaving, I heard Peter's voice behind me calling my name. I was hoping to get away without running into him.
"Lilly, hold up." I heard him say as I stopped and waited for him to approach me. He must have showered as well, by the way he looked. Even with wet hair, he was gorgeous. And the way he filled out his t-shirt was mouth watering.
“Hey," I said.
"Can we go somewhere and talk?” He asked.
"Um... Sure." I wasn't sure what he had to talk about, but I was curious to find out.
I felt small against him as we began walking down the sidewalk. At some point during our walk, he took hold of my hand and brought it to his lips. Something was going on with him. When I looked up at him, I saw something in his eyes that I'd seen during our little episode in the locker room. There was compassion in them.
As we rounded the corner, my phone began to vibrate. I unzipped my bag and pulled it out. It was an unknown number, the same one that had been calling me for the past week. I had had enough of this caller, without hesitation, I let whoever it was have it. "Listen you piece of shit. I don't know what you want, but quit calling me." When the phone went dead, I threw my phone back in my bag. "Asshole."
Peter stopped and looked over to me. "What the hell was that, Lilly?"
"Some asshole keeps calling me and doesn't say anything. Today was the last straw with him or her. I’ve had enough."
“How long has this been going on?" Peter asked in a commanding tone.
“I don't know. A week, maybe."
I could tell that Peter wasn't happy about the calls I was getting. I could see the change in his expression as it changed from compassionate to tense. I think every vein in his neck was bulging out. As soon as we got to my condo, he asked me for my key. At first I just looked at him, but then he began to snap his fingers like he was waiting for me to hand them over. Instead of fighting with him, I handed them over. I thought he was being a little anal because of a stupid prank call. Leading the way inside, he made certain that I was behind him the whole time as he scanned the living room, then the other rooms. Men and their alpha-male egos.
"Satisfied?" I said, moving away from him to the kitchen.
He didn't say anything, but he knew what I was thinking. I thought only girls tended to roll their eyes. "Do you want a glass of wine or something stronger?" I asked.
“Do you have any beer?" he asked, making himself at home.
"Sure." Even though I wasn't typically a beer drinker, I kept a six pack on hand in case I had any male guests.
I handed Peter his beer and sat in the chair across from him. I could have sat next to him, but the last thing I wanted was to give him the idea that I wanted him. I watched as the open end of the bottle touched his lips. I didn't realize what a turn on it was to watch him take a drink of beer from a bottle. The way his lip pressed against the lip of the bottle had me weak between the knees. Trying hard to compose myself, I took a sip of my wine and then asked nervously, "So what did you want to talk to me about?"
Setting his beer on the small table, he leaned forward and coiled his hands through is thick hair. I knew whatever he had to say was difficult for him. Even though I knew it was a big mistake, I got up and sat next to him and placed my arm around his broad shoulder. I could feel the tension in his body begin to relax.
"This is really hard for me Lilly. I don't even know where to begin," he said, lifting his head and drawing his gaze to me.
There it was again, that look. I could have dived head first into those green eyes. "Just say it, Peter."
"Okay. Here it goes." He began rising to his feet. "You drive me crazy Lilly. These past two years have been hell on me. You are all I think about. Even when I tried being with other women, you were the only person I thought about."
"Wait, you've been with other women?" I don't know why his admission surprised me. It wasn’t like I expected him to wait for me, especially knowing how things between us ended.
“Damn, Lilly. What did you want me to do? You didn't give me any indication that you still wanted to be with me."
"That's because neither did you. You wouldn't tell me anything the day I left for Paris. If you would have asked me to stay and not go, I wouldn't have left."
Peter was pacing back and forth in my small living room. I thought for sure he was going to wear my shaggy rug to mere fibers. When he stopped and turned towards me, my heart sank into my stomach. I wish I knew what he was thinking. He soon let me know. He took me by my hands and forced me to stand so that we were face to face. Lifting his hands to my face, he gently cupped my cheeks. "I want us to try again Lilly. I want things back the way they were before you left for Paris."
The way he looked at me, confused me more than ever. I didn't know if this was something that I wanted. I didn't want to go through the same pain I had two years ago. I knew I was the one who left, but he made it clear that he wanted us to go our separate ways. He was unwilling to make it work. I felt there was something more than me just leaving. He was hiding something.
Before I could say anything, my cell phone began ringing. Stepping away from Peter, I found my bag and pulled out my phone. It was Natalie. "Hey, Natalie," I greeted her, hoping she wouldn’t hear the tension in my voice.
"I couldn't wait to call you. I have good news. The seller accepted your offer. Looks like you have a new home for your gallery," she said excitedly.
"That's wonderful. When am I going to be able to start moving in?" I answered, unable to contain my eagerness.
"Well, since it's a cash deal, we can close in a c
ouple of days. I just need to get the proper documents together. I'll let you know the exact date."
"The sooner, the better, Natalie. Thanks for everything."
Placing my phone on the counter, I turned back to Peter, who was sitting on the couch sipping his beer. Walking towards him, I took his half empty beer bottle and set it on the coffee table. Looking at him confused, I said, “This is all too sudden. I needed a little time to think about things.”
Peter placed his hand on my cheek and pulled me close to him. Our lips met without hesitation. My lips parted, wanting to feel his warmth inside. I could feel his softness as he began intertwining his tongue with mine. The warmth of his breath on me filled my senses with comfort. As the kiss deepened even more, he began moving his hands down my body until they rested on my hips. In one swift movement, he lifted my body onto his so that I was straddling his muscular legs. I didn't know how much I wanted, I just knew I couldn’t stop how he was making me feel. No matter what happened between us in the past, at this moment all I wanted was him.