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  • Gainer: Jagged Edge Series #6 (Jagged Edge, Alpha-Male, Romance) Page 4

Gainer: Jagged Edge Series #6 (Jagged Edge, Alpha-Male, Romance) Read online

Page 4



  The look on Emma’s face was indescribable. I couldn’t tell if she was pissed off or just plain surprised to see me. Needing to put an end to her agony, I stood from my seat and held out my hand.

  “Hi. My name is Lou Gainer, but everyone calls me Gainer. I work for Jagged Edge Security. Please have a seat while I go over some things with you,” I said, giving her a smile while I waited for her to shake my hand, which unfortunately didn’t come.

  “Delores, what is this about?” Emma asked, refusing to take a seat next to me.

  “Emma, please take a seat. Mr. Gainer will explain everything,” Deloris commanded.

  When Emma finally gave in and took a seat, I could almost feel the heat from her anger radiate towards me.

  Turning my head her way, I tried to get her attention. “Emma, as you may or may not know, there was an unfortunate incident yesterday in one of the suites. Ms. Tucker, Delores, has agreed to allow us to get a handle on what may have happened to the gentleman staying in the suite. The hotel manager has requested additional security and we want to make sure we provide the best service that Jagged Edge Security possibly can. But in order to do that, we need to find out as much information as possible.”

  “I don’t know what this has to do with me. I only learned this morning, from one of the girls, that a guy got whacked,” Emma responded.

  “Well… since you were in the room with another maid cleaning, we thought you could let us know if there was anything weird about the room, or if you may have found something while you were cleaning,” I asked, hoping she would be able to help us out.

  “I didn’t see anything. Can I please go? I have somewhere that I need to be,” Emma retorted as she stood from her seat, heading towards the door.

  Knowing that there was more to her story just by her abrupt answer, I stood as well and said, “I need to get going as well. I’ll be in touch, Delores.”

  Emma must have ran as fast as she could out of the employee area, because when I opened the door to the hallway that led to the lobby, she was nowhere in sight. Taking a chance, I headed towards the front doors of the hotel, hoping that I would catch her leaving. Just as I got to the lobby area, I caught a glimpse of her going out the glass doors and heading to her right. Walking as fast as I could without causing a scene, I headed out the door and down the sidewalk. It was late enough in the morning that the sidewalk was already crowded with pedestrians, presumably taking an early lunch

  Weaving in and out of the bodies, I finally spotted her up the street waiting for the light to change so that she could cross it. I was just about ready to yell her name, but thought better. I didn’t want to chance her running off. Increasing my stride, I was able to catch up to her before the light changed.

  “Emma, wait up,” I shouted.

  Her eyes were drawn to my voice and she held her ground as I continued to approach her. Running my hands through my hair, I looked down on her and asked, “Why did you leave so fast?”

  “I don’t know what you want from me. Even though I helped Courtney clean that room, I didn’t notice anything.” Her tone was high-pitched and I knew that she wasn’t being totally honest.

  “It’s okay, Emma. I was just going to ask if you wanted to grab something to eat,” I said, trying to get her to calm down.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t. With everything going on, we have been hit hard at work. I’m exhausted and just want to relax. Do you know how hard it is to work around the added security?”

  “Well, at least let me walk you home?” I offered.

  “No! I mean, I can make it on my own.”

  “What is going on with you, Emma? You seemed to be on edge.”

  “I am, maybe just a little,” she began, stopping and turning towards me. “I have a lot going on.”

  “Let me walk you home, Emma. We can talk about it. I am a good listener.”

  “Okay, but you have to promise not to judge me when you see where I am currently staying.”

  “I never judge, Emma,” I confessed, placing my hand on her cheek to reassure her it didn’t matter. Even if she lived in a box, I would still want to get to know her.

  As we headed towards the park, I couldn’t help but look down at her. She was the most gorgeous woman I had ever laid eyes on. Even with her hair pulled back and minimal make-up on, she was breathtaking. I could only imagine what she would look like with her silky brown hair, which was the color of dark chocolate, cascading down her velvety soft skin. All I could think about was how it would feel to touch her, to feel her body next to mine. My thoughts were interrupted when a man, not watching where he was going, bumped into Emma and nearly knocked her over. Holding on to her so that she didn’t topple over, I steadied her and asked, “Are you okay?”

  With annoyance, she responded, “What a jerk,” as she took hold of her arm.

  It was only then that I noticed that she was bleeding. “Emma, your arm.”

  As she looked down at her arm, something changed in her. Her face grew pale and she began to wobble back and forth. Before I could say anything, my arms were around her. I wasn’t sure what had just happened, but I knew I needed to do something. Since we were just across the street from my place, and I wasn’t sure where she lived, I scooped her up and began heading in the direction of my apartment.


  When I got inside my building, I quickly punched the up button on the elevator panel and waited for it to arrive. Emma began stirring in my arms, which told me that she beginning to wake up. I wasn’t sure what would have caused her to go out like that, but I wasn’t going to give up finding out.

  Opening the door to my apartment, I carefully maneuvered her through the door, kicking it closed with my foot once we were inside. Carrying her over to the leather couch, I gently placed her on it and began inspecting her arm. Looking at the cut, I could tell it wasn’t too deep and wouldn’t need stiches. All she really needed was a couple of bandages to keep the cut together and help with the bleeding. I made sure she was comfortable before heading to the bathroom to see what I could find to doctor her cut.

  Everything I needed was in a first-aid kit that I keep in the bathroom cupboard. When I headed back to the living room, Emma was still in the same position that I had left her in. As I took my time to mend her wound, her eyes began to flutter open. I could tell by the way she was looking at me that she was a little confused by what was going on

  Easing her confusion, I cupped her cheek and said softly, “You passed out in the park after some guy cut you. Do you know who he was?”

  “I don’t think so. All I can remember is walking, and then a man bumping into me. Then the blood. So red. The smell,” Emma explained as her mind began to wonder somewhere else other than here.

  “Emma,” I shot out to bring her back. “Where did you go?”

  “I hate blood. Ever since I was a little girl, just the sight of it made me pass out. I guess some things will never change,” she confessed.

  “Did something happened to you when you were young to cause you to keel over like that?” I quizzed.

  “I don’t remember. All I know is that just the sight of it makes me sick enough to pass out.”

  “Well, I have an idea. I mean… since you are already here. How about I order us something to eat and we can hang out together for a while?” I suggested.

  As she settled back, I gently rubbed her cheek with my thumb. I wasn’t sure what got into me, but I moved closer to her and captured her lips with mine. Her lips slowly parted, giving me the access I needed to explore the depths of her warmth. It was a little awkward at first, but then she began to mimic my movements and it was like going to heaven. When her arms wrapped around my shoulders, I could no longer hold back. She was delicate and naive. I knew this just by the way she responded to the kiss. But now was not the time to call her on it.

  Lifting her from the couch, I placed her on my lap as I continued my play with her lips. They were
silky soft, like the petals of a rose. I reached behind her and untied the bow to her apron so I could gain access to the double row of buttons down the front of her uniform. Pulling the apron away, my mouth was still tied to hers as I began undoing each button, one by one. I thought I would finally be able to feel her soft skin next to mine when my efforts were stopped as she placed her hand over mine. I didn’t want this to end, but I also didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable. “It’s okay, Emma, I will never do what you don’t want me to. But I have a feeling you want this as much as I do,” I confessed in a heated breath as her hand left mine and ended up around my neck.

  I could feel the strength of her arms tighten around my shoulders as she pulled me closer. Having the buttons to her uniform undone, I glided my hand beneath the front of her dress and slowly caressed her body. Our lips reconnected to each other like a magnetic force as soon as her dress was lifted away. I could finally see what I had been fantasizing about. Even though her dress was still on and all I could see were her ample breasts covered by her modest bra, the shape of her breasts was perfect. I knew that my touch was having an effect on her by the way her nipples peaked through the thin material of her bra.

  As much as I wanted her, this was not the place to take her. Standing from the couch, holding her tightly to my body, I lifted her and began walking with her to my bedroom, where I knew she would be more comfortable. The minute I took the first step, her lips pulled away from mine and the look on her face told me that I had messed up. Standing silently still, I could barely hear her words as she said, “I’ve never been with anyone.”

  Thinking that I may have misunderstood her, I asked in a soft voice, “No one, ever?” continuing my exploration of her body, placing soft kisses along her neck and shoulder.

  When she didn’t answer, I stopped and looked at her. I could have sworn that tears were about to fall from her eyes. Her head began moving back and forth letting me know that she had never been with a man before. This was something that I wasn’t prepared for. As much as I wanted her, I knew that this was a very delicate situation and I wasn’t sure if I was the right man to show her.

  Placing her on her feet. I held her close to my body and said softly, “I would never do anything you weren’t comfortable with. We will take this as slow as you need to.”

  Placing my hand on her cheek, I lowered my head and gently kissed her on the lips. It was as if they were meant to be a part of me. Her hands wrapped around my neck as she pushed to her tippy-toes in order to pull me closer. Taking hold of her firm ass, I lifted her from the floor and held her tightly as I walked with her to my room while consuming every inch of her warm mouth. Out tongues collided together, sending a surge of pleasure down to my aching arousal. Pressed to my body, I placed my hand on her back and guided her slowly down onto the bed.

  The heat between us began to ignite as I pulled her dress away. I knew that if she didn’t will me to stop, I would never be able to control myself. Raising my head to look down upon her, I move a stray piece of hair from her cheek and whispered intently, “Are you sure you want me to continue?”

  The fire in her beautiful brown eyes said it all. I just wasn’t sure if she was ready for what I was about to give her. Releasing the front clasp of her bra, the mounds of her femininity spilled out with her nipples greeting me with pure perfection. There was nothing more perfect. I gazed up at her to make sure she was still with me before lowering my head to her breast and capturing her taut nipple between my lips. Just the taste of her succulent scent made the bulge between my legs take over, consuming what little room I had left in my jeans.

  Despite being no stranger to women, this might have been the first time that my body had reacted in this way. Seizing her other breast, I lowered my hand down her soft skin to her firm stomach until it came to rest just shy of the waistband to her white cotton panties. Flattening my hand against her warm skin, I worked to lower them as I slid my hand underneath the soft material of her panties. Feeling the heat radiate under my fingers, I knew that she wanted this as much, if not more than I did.

  I could feel the slick wetness of her pussy as I nudged my finger between her velvety folds. Her hips began to move as I found her clit and began making circular movements on the swollen nub. I could feel the strength of her hands gripping my hair as I continued my assault on her swollen nub. Emma’s back began to arch and a soft moan escaped her mouth, letting me know that the pleasure she was receiving was beginning to take hold. With gentle ease, I slipped a finger inside her tight channel. Her moans turned into whimpers, stopping me in my efforts. Tilting my head towards her face, I tried to determine if I might have been hurting her. Unable to see her expression, I asked in a low, calm voice, “Emma, are you okay, sweetheart?”

  When there was no response, I repeated myself. “Emma, I need to know that you are okay.”

  “Yes, just a little surprised,” she confessed as her breath hitched.

  “Nice and slow, baby,” I replied, continuing where I left off.

  Pushing my finger further inside her tight channel, I curved it to just the right angle to make sure she would know what it felt like to come totally undone. When her whimper turned into a scream, I knew that she had reached her destination. Emma’s body began to shudder with satisfaction. Satisfaction also hit me, knowing that I was the one who brought her so much pleasure.



  Lying in Lou’s bed, I couldn’t wrap my head around how different I felt. How could just a single touch have me so confused? Being twenty-five, I realized just what I had missed. Experiencing the touch of a man was so much better than my own. For years, I never had the desire to be satisfied, other than by my own hand. I knew that a lot of it had to do with the life I was given and the fact that being with someone else was never an option for me. Most of the men that I had met on the street were either too old or too strung out on drugs to even care about anything except where they were going to get their next fix.

  I do remember a young guy, about my age, that came around once in a while. He was kind of cute with his long hair that he always had pulled up in a man bun. I will never forget the color of his eyes, either. They were as blue as the sky on a clear day. I really never got the chance to know him. I only knew that he went by the name of TJ.

  Pulling away from my thoughts, I wasn’t sure what time it was, but I knew that I was starving. As I rolled over, Lou was still snoozing away. It was still light outside, so I knew it had to still be early in the afternoon. When I started pushing from the bed, Lou grabbed my arm before I could stand.

  “Where are you going, baby?” he asked with his eyes slowing opening.

  “I thought I would grab something to eat. I’m starving,” I replied as I took in his features.

  His body was bare from the waist up. At least that is what I assumed, since the rest of his body was covered with the sheet. I had never seen so many muscles on one guy in my life. Every ripple and curve of his chest and abs were like they were masterfully sculpted by Michelangelo. Lou must have noticed my fixation on his body, because I was no longer sitting on the bed, but pulled back just enough so that he was now hovering over me. When our eyes met, my hunger for food went away, leaving me craving only him. Lou gently placed his lips on mine. While I was thinking that he was going to pleasure me again, the kiss was over before it began. Feeling deprived, I watched as he slipped his t-shirt over his head. He was still wearing his jeans, which meant that even though I was naked, aside from my white plain-Jane panties, I didn’t feel uncomfortable. This was also a first for me. I had never exposed my body to anyone. Not even the other ladies at the shelter got a glimpse of me, despite the fact that we had to share the bathroom.

  Grabbing my bra that had somehow ended up on the floor, I didn’t say a word. Slipping it on and hooking the front clasp, I found my uniform dress and began pulling it over my legs. As I stood buttoning the top button, I was able to take in my surroundings. Lou’s room was a typical m
ale room, with a bike parked in one corner. It was actually pretty clean for a man’s room. The furniture was new and dark. All of the pieces matched, which told me that it must have cost him a pretty penny. As I continued to look around I could see that there was a bathroom within the room.

  Doing up the last button on my dress, I looked over to where Lou was standing and asked softly, “Is there a bathroom I can use?”

  Pointing to the door that was partially open, he replied, “Yeah, you can use this one. I’m going to see what I can find to order. Is there anything special that you like?”

  Stopping in my tracks, I turned my head, not looking at him, and said, “I can’t stay. I need to get going.”

  “I thought you said you were hungry.”